Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Roots Reggae!

Jamaican roots reggae band Toots and The Maytals last night played an awesome show at The Cockpit in Leeds. Playing to a sell out crowd the band were on top form, even when lead singer Toots adlibbed whole verses and even songs the band were all on the same wavelength keeping up with every change, and stepping it up to double time at the wave of a hand. Crazy dancing, with Toots pulling out some great moves, and audience participation were also a large part of the night with the crowd being encouraged to sing with and back to the band, at the front of the stage Toots was leaning over shaking hands and showing his appreciation to the fans who had come to support the band. In his words spoken from stage, ‘Thank you for coming out tonight, after all, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all of you, and you all wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for us!’.
The show closed with the classic Monkey Man and a jam through 54-46 That’s My Number both of which were greeted with a burst of frantic dancing and singing by the crowed, before rapturous applauses as the band said their final goodbyes and left the stage.
An outstanding show for both the quality of the band and audience, all of whom had an amazing experience.

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