Sunday, 15 July 2007

Die Hard 4.0 Review

Large scale set stunts coupled with an interesting storyline allow the viewer to sit back and watch this audio-visual spectacular with ease.
John McClane is as quick witted and no-nonsense as he ever was and the other characters come to life around him creating an interesting juxtaposition of old and new ways of doing things. The old school style of McClane who does not understand a lot of what is going on around him and just wants to do his job references the previous films with his comments and his history being discussed, whilst the modern world is represented by the villain and shows the power of the computer at its worst.
Acting in the film is of a high quality but the story is a little predictable which leads to some second guessing of what will come next, but that’s only the same as a lot of Hollywood films.
Overall a film to see if you want to sit back relax and not think too much about what is happening, but just not the same without the famous white vest.

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