Monday, 16 July 2007

Prince gives record industry a kicking

The record industry is currently up in arms after the release of the new Prince CD in yesterdays Mail on Sunday. It seems that giving the CD away free with the paper is seen as letting down all the major companies who have supported the artist (according the BBC News).
Large companies are predicting this as the next step in the sale of music and claming that it will destroy the traditional record shop. Surely the shear number of bands releasing albums means that this is not possible for them all to distribute their material in this way, and it is far more likely that the downloading of mp3s will destroy record/CD shops before the releasing of music in the popular press!
Prince it seems is trying to give back the fans who have supported him over the years and will probably also gain new fans, meaning more sales if his next album is released using the traditional method, not to mention the amount of money that the industry will make when the afore mentioned new fans buy his back catalogue or greatest hits CDs.
It would appear that the industry is concerned, perhaps obviously, purely with the loss of revenue, and is failing to adapt to the new methods bands are using to get there work heard. Lets face facts if the internet hasn’t destroyed them it seems unlikely, though they lost a large amount of income, that this will.

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